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Frequently Asked Questions

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) provides answers to common questions that students may have about a product, service, or company.

I am not receiving course invitation. Why is that?

Please check your junk mail and accept the course invitation. Email sent from Canvas usually goes straight to junk mail. The student must open the invitation and make sure to move the sent invitation to his/her inbox by touching the “it is not junk” option available within the message body. Once this is done then the following course invitations that are sent will go straight to his/her inbox.

I have forgotten my institutional email password. What can I do?

our technical team usually takes this issue and resets the password from the back end and we provide a generic password to the students who then are able to login and immediately change the password provided to them by one they find easy to remember.

I am unable to access my canvas account. The system keeps on telling me the link is disabled.

FUSE had to change its Learning management system from to The new portal can be accessed at Students usually make the mistake of trying to access their myfuse1 account through the portal. That is why it has not been working for them. Our suggestion for this confusion is to book mark the canvas login page.

I am not receiving notification to my email from canvas?

Canvas is an email based platform and it requires a working email address to operate properly. Most students from the current cohort had registered their personal email address on canvas and failed to register their institutional email address. This being the case most of them where not able to receive email notifications on their institutional email address which is the main platform of communication at FUSE. Therefore having students register their institutional address as primary login data has solved this problem.

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